
Monday, 20 May 2019

Game of Thrones - a few finale thoughts...

Well, overall a satisfying ending with some great moments, characters served well (and some salvaged from crap treatment throughout the last two years) but also some idiotic bits - so, in summary, very Game of Thrones.

Obviously, I’ve made lists:


What I liked

Well no-one got to sit on the Iron Throne (thanks Drogon for inexplicably realising it was the thirst for the entitlement-driven, monarchistic patriarchy that actually killed Dany and melting it’s primary symbol). Clever things those dragons. And a lovely shot flying off with Dead Dany in the end.

“Sit down, uncle”.  Sansa’s glance back at his chair and smile - Ned would be so proud.

Robin Arryn, with all the other lords and ladies at the Dragon Pit, all growed up and demonstrating, like Tormund, that breast feeding really works!

“Why do you think I came all this way” **shudders at the thought of this being Bran’s plan all along** (it wasn’t, but still, keep creeping Bran!)

The 1.2M nerds who signed the petition for HBO to reshoot the entire final season get  their wishes when a different member of the cast goes crazy and starts burning people...coming soon to cinemas in X-Men Dark Phoenix

Bran was on an Iron Throne all along - boom,boom

The fascistic Targerean flags hanging at a ruined Kings Landing and that superbly crafted image of Dany walking towards the camera while dragon wings darkly unfold behind her

The chair dragging scene in the Chamber, harking back to one of the show’s funniest moments involving Tyrion

Sansa generally coming out on top and Sophie Turner doing such a great job. Including not being interested in ruling the seven kingdoms when she had the opportunity to pitch for it, but securing her homeland’s independence. She literally rules!

The final ‘Starks walk off into their futures’ scene (no offence Bran!).  On second watch, realising we’d seen them all do this before (Jon in the north with the Wildlings, Sansa crowned as a Queen and Arya sailing nervously and expectantly into the unknown) but that now they were doing so as completely transformed characters.  A really nice, poetic call back to previous seasons.

Ghost is a VERY GOOD BOY!!!

What I didn’t like

Bran becoming king. People trusting the guy who can see everything but chooses to say nothing (I mean at least tip your future subjects off - including your sister and future Hand - when they’re in a crypt of full of dead freakin’ bodies!)...oh and we’re all okay with him being Bran the Broken 😧

Tyrion saying Bran had the best story when the super-assassin, Night King killing, face-changing Arya is sitting RIGHT THERE!!!

Bran not doing much of anything - was sure he’d warg into Drogon eventually

The male writers choosing Jon and Tyrion mansplaining Dany’s actions for 10 minutes rather than having her do it and having previously hardly seen her at all in the previous episode - second biggest fail

The biggest fail: Crying almost as much as Tyrion when he found his dead siblings - but more for their completely butchered storylines and especially Lena Headey’s lack of anything to do this season.  The real criminal act of writing this year on GoT.

That Dany’s death is in the lukewarm embrace of Jon, as both actors try to fight their way out of a paper bag - their complete lack of believable chemistry really stopped the show being great in the last couple of seasons

Grey Worm being...horrible. But then going to Naath anyway...without Missandei 😩serves us right for presuming he’d die and not wanting that to happen.

No word on a Jon and Tormund Brokeback Snow Mountain spin off sadly!

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