
Monday, 22 April 2019

10 Thoughts on Thrones

Not that I'll be doing this every week, but as it's a bank holiday, 'the things you do for love' indeed:

1) A Tale of Two Episodes

While the season opener 'Winterfell' was intent on providing multiple callbacks to the very first episode as fan service (and was therefore hit and miss depending on how many you noticed) the second ep's fan service was intent on paying off practically every reunion you wanted to see before everyone dies horribly* next week.  What could have been just an hour ticking off scenes from that list was prevented from being anything but thoroughly enjoyable by the quality of acting, shared chemistry (mostly) and simply showcasing how far the characters have come (and how much history they have between them).  Even if it does seem very un-GoT to be giving us, the audience, what we want after years of seeing various Stark reunions thwarted by deaths, weddings, hideouts etc.


2) Reunions

That said, the most effective reunions were found in the shared trauma between Sansa and Theon (no romance though, please), easily forgotten in the bigger picture and secondly, in the act of salvation Brienne achieved with Jamie, which in turn led to the knighting of one of the most under-rated actors in the show.  It also showed just how much of an impact she has had in gaining the trust of so many disparate players.

3) Arya gets hers

On the list of 'what you'd never wanted to see' was Arya's fist sex scene, though it was done well and was just the right balance of tender and smart-ass for her.  I've never wanted or thought she'd end up on the Throne, but perhaps with the last of the Baratheon line??  I'd still prefer them to set up a blacksmiths / assassin for hire / pie shop combo with Hot Pie though.

4) The Night King's mission

So if the primary reason the Night King is coming after Bran is to wipe out his knowledge, we have a set up that means the end of Bran next week, but means salvation for Sam, being the 'next best' in terms of historical knowledge.  Sort of 'real books' versus 'the cloud' if you will.

5) Plot Armour

Speaking of who will die or not, based on how much of their character arcs were wrapped, I'd say Tyrion and Jamie are pretty safe (they've got Bronn and Cersei to encounter yet), as is Jon, and The Hound, as he has a brother still to fight, but anyone else is fair game.  I would like to think of Dolorous Edd as a background character who somehow just survives everything though, given that he's come so far (and someone will have to start the Nights Watch again).

6) Plot Armour (tarnished)

The writers are really wanting us to dislike Dany now aren't they?  Not just in previous seasons where she was teetering between vengeful, cruel tyrant and freer of slaves but now with her single-mindedness with the Throne.  Yet another scene where Jon's identity was revealed and we are expected to believe no-one immediately says 'you're sleeping with your aunty!' never mind that the army of the dead are on its way, so it's kind of irrelevant right now.  It also makes the distinct lack of chemistry between her and Jon bleed into the story itself as she really only seems to care about the Throne.  A brave move from the writers would be to see her off in the battle next week, given that even her 'rightful heir' tag has been torn off.

7) Plot Armour (polished)

Jon then, you could argue can die heroically fighting the Night King next week now that his heritage is revealed and, other than a happy ending with Dany, there isn't really anywhere left for him to go.  However, I've not read anyone mention how problematic it might be, when facing an enemy that raises the dead, for Jon to be...raised from the dead.  Can he be controlled, is that why the Night King has spared him?  Or the flip side of this is, only an undead Targearyan can ride an undead dragon...?

8) 'Let's hide out from these arsonists in a fireworks factory'

Speaking of the undead, what better place to fight a huge bloomin' army of them...than in a castle above a massive crypt!  Or, after this week's episode, let's go one better and suggest the crypt WHERE LOADS ON BODIES ARE BURIED is the safest place for our women, children and Hand of the Queen.  What could possibly go wrong?!?!

9) What's left?

With only four (admittedly approximately 80 minute) episodes to go, how might the rest of the story be structured?  I'd guess a completely horrible, death-strewn battle next week followed by the victory from the jaws of defeat episode the week after, leaving a quick trip to see Cersei and the epilogue when we decide who sits on the Throne (or even if there IS a throne left after all of this).

10) Summing Up

Although it was a bit frustrating to have two set-up episodes before the big battles ahead, it gave the show the chance to demonstrate how much it has done in its time, how far its characters have actually changed (moreso, and on such a scale, I'd say than any tv drama before it) and make sure we care again for everyone before the Night King comes strolling into Winterfell for that weirdo in the wooden wheelchair, killing humanity as he goes.