
Monday, 28 June 2010

Ten things we learnt watching Glasto coverage on the Beeb

  1. The BBC presenters get progressively older through the evening whilst perversely the music gets more mainstream
  2. Snoop Dogg is the schizzle
  3. Florence regularly interrupts everyone's set with a different rendition of 'You got the love'
  4. The Red Button's name was temporarily changed to 'The Scissor Sisters' Button'
  5. Wacky outside broadcast pieces by wacky yoof presenters showing how wacky the wacky festival is, never work and are shite
  6. Foals look brill live
  7. The poorest set of headliners in point: Gorillaz - two words 'bongo solo'!
  8. The Beeb only had six cameras and one of them was constantly following Mumford and Sons........'SOMETIMES I FEEL LIKE THROWING MY HANDS UP IN THE AIR'........oh shut up Florence!
  9. The xx's brand of glum-synth works surprisingly well on a massive stage
  10. The Pet Shop Boys completely snuck in and stole the show

Saturday, 5 June 2010

Top Ten things people say now that LOST has finished

  1. 'So what were The Numbers again?'
  2. 'I stopped watching in Season 1*/2*/3*/4*/5*/6*/ that scene about Jack's tattoos*'
  3. 'I need to watch that again'
  4. 'I only watched it to see Sawyer*/Kate*/Hurley* topless'
  5. 'It was awful but I never watched it'
  6. 'I can sleep now'
  7. 'Now which box set is next?'
  8. 'I've heard The Wire is good but does it have polar bears, time travel, false beards and Iraqi-torturers-with-hearts-of-gold?'
  9. 'It was never about questions, just about characters'
  10. 'Get a life'
*delete as appropriate